INTEX Prism Frame Rectanguler 26788

With support structure with steel posts
treated, resistant to rust and corrosion. Linear in PVC with triple layer.

1 cartridge pump from Lt./H. 2.006 with the innovative Hydro Areation Technology system, which improves filtration and water circulation, increasing its clarity, 1 ladder.

Cm. 400×200, height Cm. 100. Water capacity at 90% Lt. 6.836 .
THE above ground pools with tubular metal structureTraditionally, they are sold in a complete set with a liner, frame, filter pump, ladder and other accessories such as the base mat and the cover. When you need to replace the pump, ladder or other small parts, you need to purchase them separately. What happens if you need to replace the main pool structure? Until now it was not possible to buy it individually, but from today, thanks to the launch of the “structure only” replacement pools, you can finally buy the liner and frame in the special and exclusive set we call “spare pool”.

To compose your custom pool, start at the replacement pool and choose the color, shape and size you prefer. Then choose the filter pump (sand or cartridge) based on the size of the structure. Finally, find your ideal ladder based on the height of the pool. Now you can finally have fun adding all the accessories you need: modular mats to protect the pool floor, covers to prevent debris from falling onto the water, electric cleaners, chlorinators, up to the fountain of LED lights. Don’t forget to add our giant inflatables to add a touch of color to your pool parties!

Technical specifications:
With support structure with steel posts
treated, resistant to rust and corrosion. Linear in PVC with triple layer.

1 cartridge pump from Lt./H. 2.006 with the innovative Hydro Areation Technology system, which improves filtration and water circulation, increasing its clarity, 1 ladder.

Dimensions: Cm. 400×200, height Cm. 100. Water capacity at 90% Lt. 6.836

  • Length: 4m
  • Width: 2m
  • Depth: 1m